Thai students gang up against 13-year-old in school after classmate accuses her of saying bad things, mum finds out from video

Thai students gang up against 13-year-old in hour-long attack in school after classmate accuses her of saying bad things

BURIRAM (Thailand), Feb 12 — A 13-year-old girl in northeastern Thailand was brutalised in a group attack by her peers two days ago that have left her in dread of returning to school.

The Bangkok Post reported the assault began at about 9am on Monday after a classmate accused her of saying bad things.

The victim was reportedly slapped in her face repeatedly and then dragged out of class by at least 10 other students her age and two years older, into the toilet of another building where she was subject to being stomped on and having her head smashed against a toilet bowl.

The horrific assault reportedly lasted an hour.

Her mother, identified only as Hathairat, reportedly found out about the attack from a video clip sent to her from an unnamed person.

The victim is said to live with her maternal grandparents in the Lahan Sai district, Buriram province as her parents work outstation.

The parents have filed a police report against the alleged perpetrators after the video spread online, and questioned how it happened inside the school while in session.

Hathairat said her daughter is now too scared to return to school.